Back to School

One lecture today, during it I realised that I had worked on the wrong tutorial work yesterday, the work was for next weeks class after this lecture. That was why I found it confusing, though I usually do need to go back to the lecture slides and examples anyway. Polish girl was first out of the class, I was second despite sitting 4 rows in front of her, she looked back, saw me and ducked into the girls bathroom, fucking whore. Went to the library, printed off the coursework, it really is quite terrible, did not have the strength to redo it with the finish line in sight.

Grocery shopping on my way home, trying to go healthy, wondered around not really sure what to buy, settled on apples, bananas, pasta and tomato sauce. I resisted the temptation of Doritos, dip and Lukazade that was on sale. The pasta was not very filling but I did not have the energy to go back to the store so I helped myself to cereal instead, the problem with pasta is that I have to wait for my roommates to leave before cooking it, did not consider this when I made the purchase.

It was an early start, so I didn’t have much motivation left to do anything even though I had much time left in the day, finished reading Strongest Man Kurosawa, it was alright, watched a film that was on the KickAssTorrents front page and some wrestling.

Cleaned out my room yesterday, feeling less down now.

4 thoughts on “Back to School

  1. >the problem with pasta is that I have to wait for my roommates to leave before cooking it, did not consider this when I made the purchase.
    You’re seriously going to have to sort this issue out imminently. You will be unable to function in real life if you cannot get over this crippling fear of interacting with others in such close confines.

    Once you complete your course, discuss the issue with your parents. I am sure they will understand and should be able to help you sort it out.


    • My parents are terrible, useless things, they can barely do what is expected of them, nevermind helping me with my problems, I am more likely to be called in to help THEM with something.

      I know you are right though, I do need to resolve this, the “how” might become more clear with time.


      • >My parents are terrible, useless things, they can barely do what is expected of them, nevermind helping me with my problems, I am more likely to be called in to help THEM with something.
        That doesn’t sound right at all. You sound angry at them for what comes across to me as minor issues (apologies if this is not the case).

        I would suggest taking a year out after university and attempting to sort your life out, because this whole experience has clearly not been good for you in any way at all.


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