My first flat viewing since 2015

The Royal Rumble event was enjoyable and later in the day, I went to ASDA to buy crisps, the food I bought only lasted a couple of days, I feel I have an eating disorder and the constipation relief tablets are not helping to resolve this. I may need to acquire diet pills to suppress my appetite and reduce calorie absorption.

I didn’t do much of anything, I just watched a bit of “Doom Patrol” and tried to play some video games, Goat Simulator was fun for a little bit, I bought “Real Farm” for 24p and got some trophies but I don’t think it’s a game I’ll really sit down to play. There was another game I bought for 79p but I don’t care much for it either. Played the the “Titanfall 2” tutorial and it seems simple and fun, might try some more later but I doubt it, video games don’t do much for me anymore.

I went to sleep around noon and woke up at 1:30am, I watched WWE Raw through the BT Sport app on my PS4, would’ve been nice to know that existed months ago. I made a call to BT to see if I could get a better deal on my TV package since due to a channel closing, I had an excuse to cancel but they said I was already getting a great deal on their top package.

I also went to ASDA again to buy some wraps, low calorie snacks, small bottle of semi skimmed milk, brown bread and cheese. It was snowing, bit heavily but it was nice. All gone by the afternoon.

I had to prepare alternative food since the oven doesn’t seem to work. Earlier in the day, I’d tried to cook one of my vegan pizzas but couldn’t get the oven started, my mum entered the kitchen and said there was a trick to it and tried to get it working, I stood around for a few seconds and just threw the pizza in the bin.

Today was the day of my flat viewing, I came around on time, I actually circled around a bit since I got there early. The estate agent was well spoken, I stood around for a bit before being allowed in, several other people had seen the flat and from the sounds of it, more were on their way. The estate agent mentioned that he expected half the people to put in applications, he himself admitted it was a dump, said it wasn’t somewhere you’d invite people over to visit but it was cheap.

The flat itself was a bit “grotty” and dingey, had a smell to it, bit busted, the tiling wasn’t done well so there was this black gap between the tiles and the shower, the shelves were all bent. It was just gross but there was a fair bit of space. When I left, I asked some pretty basic questions to the estate agent but he was disinterested and came across as condescending. Guess it’s just easier to rent out to one of the clueless Eastern Euros.

I walked back in the rain and spent some time with my aunt, she’s still looking for work and feels the job cente courses are too remedial. She’s getting a few interviews but falling at the final hurdle. I told her that I’m trying to rent a place but she thought this was a bad idea, she calls it “dead money” and would rather I stay with my family or buy a place instead.

I’m considering pushing my spending cap upto £550 and just renting a nice but overpriced place without any fuss.

Sleepy Moni

When I got back from work, I went to sleep from 9am to 4am, if I wanted to get up earlier, I could’ve forced it but there was no motivation, there was no reason to get up, nothing to see, nothing to do. When I did eventually get out of bed, all I did was watch “Doom Patrol”, I enjoy the production values. I’m planning on watching all the big budgeted television shows that are currently airing or did in 2019.

I forced myself to stay up until 11am so I could grab a burger meal from “New Orlando’s”. There was still some time before it opened, so I went into town, in the rain, to pick up an order I placed online about a week ago, it was for some nail polish. I didn’t have to wait long at the burger place for my meal to be prepared.

When I got back, my dad asked where I had been. This frustrated me, he asked the same thing when I made a short trip to ASDA not long ago. I was gone for just an hour, I don’t like having him pry into my personal activities, especially those so minor. I am entitled to some privacy. This is why the Independence afforded by my own place is so important.

I went to sleep again around noon and slept for almost 12 hours, I woke up again just before midnight and watched WWE Royal Rumble. The show hasn’t finished yet but it’s pretty great being able to watch a WWE event live without being constantly tired and hoping to be able to sleep soon.

I can see I’m sleeping too much, I’m going to try taking more of my UltraWoman vitamins to improve my physical state.

Year of the Rat

On Wednesday, I had no one but my manager and my enemy, the new African guy, to keep me company. I still think he’s lazy and he does lots of things that annoy me such as making sharp, loud noises like clapping, knocking on tables with his knuckles and he also groans/moans loudly. He acts tired when he does very little, he’s too comfortable and thinks this is a cush gig because others do the work.

Near the end of the day, my manager and I had my 12 week review, he alerted me that I passed my probation. Then we had the usual Q&A session, he refused to answer all of my questions, I tried to get awkward by asking his favourite sexual position suggested by a poster on one of the boards I frequent. We also discussed my grievance with the new African guy, I started by saying “someone” was doing things that annoyed me, he knew who I was talking about since others had told him I’d been complaining about him to them. To save face, I decided to snitch on a couple of other anonymous people who he quickly guessed.

He said that he’d talk to the African and he did so that’s good, he did so the following shift, I also overheard him telling him when he did the thing that annoyed me. The African seemed to be annoyed at me, clapping and banging his knuckles more than usual, he must know I reported him. At least know he knows what I think of his behaviour. Everything he does annoys me, the way he speaks, the volume of his voice, what he he says, when he says it and absolutely everything about the quality of his work and his work ethic.

He desperately wanted Friday off for some reason, he asked me to swap shifts, being the kind soul I am, I agreed. The request was initially rejected but then he went along with my manager to petition the head of the call centre the moment she arrived in the office at 7am, they were in there for 20 plus minutes and then he got what he wanted. I left fuming. Other disappointments from when the day started for non night shift people were management being mean to me because I was too loud.

When I went home, I built up courage to find a flat to rent and call the estate agents, well drop and email and accept the call back from them. I’ve got a viewing for Tuesday, the rent is low and it doesn’t have space for much but I need my independence. I’ll go for it.

The Friday was interesting, it’s not my usual shift so got to meet a work colleague I have never interacted with before. He’s from the Carribbean, I think. He’s a slow learned but as far as I can tell, honest. I don’t mind working with people who have difficulty learning, I just despise the lazy.

My manager asked about my sexuality, I said I wanted to keep it in the air but he was persistent and said he’d find out. I’m concerned. On the plus side, I admitted to wearing women’s clothing and the guy I met for the first time said that he initially thought I was a woman, until I started speaking.

A couple days of toil

I woke up at around 8am on Monday and did the usual stuff, I then tried get some sleep at 1pm but it wasn’t enough before I had to be awake to head to work. I entered the office tired and did not fare well, I ended up sleeping at my desk for a short while, my stomach also felt off, likely due to the mix of 4 bowls of rice, an energy drink and laxatives. I also wasn’t able to shower or brush my teeth.

The next day was better, I used all the available time before my next shift to sleep, it was just 3 people on shift again, haven’t seen my manager in a while. I’m coming around to the new guy, he moved out of my seat when he saw I was upset by it. The new people starting next week might be a different story, I’ve snooped on the emails they’ve done and I’m not impressed.

I went home and consumed around 200 calories, there was the usual Doritos and dip but when I got back from ASDA, I found my mother had made pasta.

There’s a flat above a shop being advertised to rent, I will query it soon.


My Saturday mostly consisted of sleeping as I was exhausted after the last few days, I did try to make something of it but I spent over an hour writing my last blog entry, I posted online a little and watched some NETFLIX before calling it a day around 5pm but before I did, I went to Poundland and bought 3 “Twin Peaks”, all different flavours. I woke back up the next day at around 4am.

My energy levels were low again, I managed a trip to ASDA to buy sugar free “Monster” and some noodles. Over the course of the day, I consumed around 4000 calories, I watched “Ni No Kuni” and “The Two Popes”, I wouldn’t recommend either to anyone. The calorie intake was made up of 4 packets of crisps, a large bowl of noodles, two bowls of rice, half a tub of hummus and 300g of Twin Peaks chocolate. I tried to mitigate the damage by taking 3 laxatives.

I also took some time to book theatre tickets to 3 different shows, I still intend to buy tickets for one more which I will attend with a friend. I spent a lot of time thinking about how much I hate the new guy at work and this other guy of similar origin, I simply can’t stand lazy people who push work onto others.

I’ve started adding pirated books to the Kindle I originally bought for my mother. I’ll start reading one of them once I’m done with “Sapiens”, half way through right now.

My Friend, Ebin

The final day of my shift was mostly fine, the new guy is still getting on my nerves. This time he had a webchat, me and the Harry Potter woman were helping him deal with it, he was freaking out and then when the chat dropped, he ran off into the kitchen to get a coffee even though I told him the guy will be back since his query wasn’t resolved. Before the small man reached the kitchen, the guy was back on webchat and I dealt with it. I’m not sure if the dominant characteristic here is his low intelligence and sloth. On the plus side, I’m getting on well with the Harry Potter woman. At home, I texted the sarcastic guy, he told me he has had another job offer, I am upset.

The rest of this post chronicles my meeting with fellow writer and life struggler, Ebin, his blog can be found here:

Chapter 1: Preparation

At home, I went to sleep from 9am to midnight, I had sleep to catch up on. When I woke up, I bought tickets to Scarborough for £60. I then killed some time, put my clothes on the radiator to try and then tried to sleep again at 4am, I didn’t get much before getting out of bed again at 6am. I did quite a bit of personal grooming and then put on my outfit for the day, I went for a red pinafore dress, white t-shirt, black tights, black shoes and a couple of accessories. My makeup was next, I went with red lipstick, this was new as I usually wear lipgloss, I filled in my brows and applied some foundation to my lower face.

I stormed out of the hour at about 8.20am, I didn’t encounter anyone before reaching the door. It was chilly, slightly regretting my fashion choices. At the train station, I collected my train tickets from the ticket machine and could see both men and women looking at me from bottom to top, it was presumably because at this crowded station, all the other women were wearing jeans. I found a little corner to hide in an ignored the first train to my destination so the platform could clear up a bit, I took the next one and stood in the aisle, I didn’t feel like sitting next to anyone.

The next train was the main one, from Manchester to Seamer station in Scarborough. I sat on my own for the entire journey, it doesn’t seem like this is a popular destination, at least during this date/time of the year. During the trip, I mostly listened to the soundtrack from “Hamilton”, it took around 2 hours to reach my destination. I wasn’t too sure what to expect, my meeting with Ebin had been arranged so swiftly and casually, there were also murmurings that he might bolt.

Chapter 2: The Meeting

I stepped off the train into the “station” which consisted of only two platforms but before I could get my bearings and even absorb where the exit was, I was approached by a man who shot out through the the little roofed shelter, I’d learn this was “Ebin”, he was very confident, had his phone out and seemed, while I do stand by saying he was confident, there was also a bit of uncertainty in there, the way he spoke was perhaps too casually, a little disengaged. This was only at first though, he wore glasses, which he removed occasionally throughout the day, and had energetically curly hair. His build was incredibly slim and he seemed just slightly taller than me. I would class him as attractive. His accent was interesting, quite unique, though by the end of the day I became accustomed to it and found it endearing.

We made our way to his car, as we did, he took the lead and leapt like a gazelle over various puddles of water, the trek was somewhat lengthy, we passed through an active road, a grassy path that I joked would be a good spot to murder someone and eventually we reached a car park. There was a defunct chip shop, a Morrison’s and a McDonalds, we’d be returning here a few times throughout the day.

The first thing on the days agenda was getting something to eat, so we went to Ebin’s favourite eatery, McDonalds, he dines here daily, sometimes multiple times a day, the staff know him. I used the self-ordering machine to select a wrap meal, Ebin did the same except he didn’t want any chips, he also opted against any onions or cheese in his wrap. He refused to touch the receipt as he believes it contained estrogen. The restaurant was exclusively white, the people there were also quite old, one exception was a pair of toddlers who stared at me. People did this throughout the day, I didn’t know if they were doing so due to my gender identity or my race.

Ebin drank his Coke Zero directly from the cup by removing the lid, this was a good idea and I mimicked it, neither of us could stand those vile paper straws. After taking a bite out of his wrap though, he opened it up and was repulsed see a slice of cheese, he said he wanted a McFlurry as he couldn’t eat the remainder of the wrap, I wouldn’t stand to see him lose out on his meal so I approached a member of staff to explain the situation, they were very apologetic and helpful. It took a while but they prepared the correct meal, Ebin was quite shy, it was because the woman dealing with the situation often spoke to his mother when the two of them visited this particular store. I thought it strange though that even after the staff member brought the correct wrap to Ebin, instead of asking him if everything was OK, they turned to ask me. It was during this time that I learned of Ebin’s major quirk, he had OCD and this mostly appeared to manifest with him taking pictures/videos of most things, he’s learning to control it to some extent though as he held back on taking a picture of his McDonalds meal as advised by his therapist. It’s not a major quirk and I don’t find it off-putting or unusual at all, especially in the age of instagram and snapchat where people are taking photos of everything all the time.

After this, we hopped in Ebin’s set of wheels, he had a really cool car, the interior was like a race car. We then drove around for a while, checking out the nearby towns and in general just speeding, I wasn’t too comfortable with this as it was dangerous. I also felt sick throughout, I had to ask for a window to be opened so I could get some fresh air to alleviate the nausea. It made me a lot less chatty than usual, I was also unable to sit back and chill. While going through one of the small towns, Ebin said he’d give me £20 if I could spot a non-white, I failed, the areas we went through were incredibly white and incredibly old.

Ebin took me to a cool little spot up on some cliffs, we could see the whole town of Scarborough, there was also no fence around the cliffs so I didn’t approach too closely as I could fall, there was a path that Ebin suggested we follow and I usually would have loved to but it was very muddy and I didn’t want to dirty my shoes to that extent, there was also a dog, so the potential for serious harm. I felt better after getting the fresh air but back in the car I started feeling off again, we went back to the car park with the Morrison’s as we got out, I retched a few times, I wasn’t sick though. In Morrison’s we both went to the bathroom, Ebin tried to push me towards the women’s loo but I chose the mens, I told him I found it amusing watching guys do a double take. We spoke while I was in a stall and he was using one of the urinals but I asked him to stop, going to the bathroom and setting up again was difficult due to the tummy control underpants I was wearing, I thought they might also be what was making me sick, so rolled them down for the rest of the day.

We didn’t browse the store, just went straight to the chilled drinks, Ebin picked up a Coke Zero Vanilla and then asked what I’d like, I went with a Coke Energy, it was my first time trying it but I figured I was a bit tried and that was the cause of me feeling so sickly. At the self-serve checkout, a little people, he must have been smaller than 4ft, asked to see some ID before he would allow us to purchase an energy drink, my wallet was in the car so Ebin dashed back, I stood there for 5 minutes. The little guy was quite confident and I had some respect for him though on the other hand he seemed to be on a bit of a power trip, as my friend said.

We hopped back in the automobile and drove down to the actual town of Scarborough, I liked taking in the sights, we pulled up into another parking area, this one overlooking the sea. It a nice spot, we cracked out drinks and spoke some more. I began to feel better, we then left the car without finishing our drinks to approach the sea defence barrier, the sigh was breathtaking, the endlessness of the sea truly is a wonder. Ebin asked which side of the beach I’d like to head to, I went for the further one as the other one had lots of visible dogs. We walked a mostly straight path along the coastline while admiring the natural beauty, I also noticed that every person walking in the opposite direction stared at me, there was even one guy who walked our way and then later in the opposite direction. This was after I stepped in dog poop and lifted my leg to check the damage, forgetting what I was wearing.

Ebin suggested I walk towards the shipyard and use the sea water to try to clean the bottoms of my shoes but this had limited success, I was wearing Vans and they had a “waffle sole”. On our journey, we say some cool cliffsides and the ruins of the castle from a distance. The beach was further than expected and we only stuck to the edge due to the dogs roaming the other side, it was pleasant, we walked straight up to the sea.The sand was mostly as hard as concrete. I wanted to check out a an art gallery or museum be we didn’t find time for this, instead we headed uphill through an area just above the amusements that seemed very out of place due to the greenery, Ebin pointed out Jimmy Saville’s holiday home and we marched along to one of the main attractions, The Grand Hotel.

As we approached, I tried to suggest Ebin get into the world of work, particularly something that involves driving since he loves it so. Also, working in general would be very beneficial for him, it was for me. We did spot an advert for vacancies, I asked Ebin to take a photo and send an application when he could. I didn’t have the knowledge to advise him well on how to pursue work in the HGV field, he also had apprehensions due to “norf fc” types that work those jobs. We entered the hotel and left some time later.

We then somehow found outselves out on the high street, it was quite a large and bustling one, I didn’t have my wallet with me and it was a shame we didn’t come here earlier, there was a lot to see and I would’ve liked to have bought a gift for Ebin. We went in a few stores, Debenhams, a toy place, Waterstones were a few, Ebin checked out the books about trains, I think I might get some books about trains in the future too. The first person of colour we spotted was a black woman near the Grand Hotel, it was on a bridge. In the town centre there were a few more, they were younger and could all be counted on one hand. We took a slight break when I opened up Pokemon GO and wanted to do a raid, I explained that we had to stand around for 2 minutes while I battle and catch a “Klink”. We stepped into a food supplement store while doing so. I suggested he start using multivitamins.

While wandering around, we saw several cool places like an antiques shop and Ebin took me to the casino car park where he met Shippy. At the start of the day, Ebin used the work “paki” liberally but he had stopped at this point, he still disparaged chavs, he felt they posed a constant danger. We found a KFC and I insisted on treating Ebin to a meal as he had never been to KFC before, I didn’t have my wallet so we walked back to the car, it took around half an hour. It around this time that Ebin’s mother asked how he was getting on with his friend, “the paki tranny freak” he told her about, his response was “fine”. During the walk to the car, we also chatted about his attempts at finding a gf, I honestly believe any woman would be lucky to have him, he’s attractive, interesting, kind and fun to be around. He seemed down, felt that he knew how it would go if he met a woman. I wanted him to know that any woman worth their salt would see the same wonderful man that I did but I failed to vocalise this well.

There was a short stop in an arcade where Ebin had a few attempts at some claw games, we then tried the penny pushers. It’s a staple activity when visiting these types of places.

We drove to the casino car park and then walked back over to KFC. I got a burger meal and selected a boneless box meal for Ebin, it consisted on chips, drink, popcorn chicken and chicken fillets (or chicken “tendies”). We ate but I noticed Ebin would not eat the parts of his food that he ate, the ends of his his chips formed a pile, there was also bits of chicken left over. He remarked that people/chavs we staring at me through the window of the restaurant. I didn’t have my house key with me so I went into the bathroom and put on my jeans, it felt better walking in the cold now but this was because someone from home would have to open the door for me and I didn’t want them to see me dressed the way I was.

It was around 6pm now, so drove around some more, Ebin took me to another nice spot where we could see a panorama of the city, it looked magnificent at night with lights of many colours shining. Ebin took me to a graveyard where we used the light on his phone to locate the grave of Anne Bronte, it was a very exciting and novel activity. It was getting late and I was tired so we went to the car park again, Ebin bought a canned coffee and another Coke Zero Vanilla, we then chilled out in his car and talked. After some time had passed he dropped me off at the train “station”, we observed an aggressive white van driver and after a rushed goodbye, I headed on home. I expect to see him again, so the nature of our farewell is not something to linger on. I’d ideally like to get a flat sorted out here so I can invite people around to my neck of the woods.

The train home was a pain, as I said, I was exhausted so I used my rucksack as a pillow and drooled for an hour. I had to urinate and made a mess as the train jutted around. The train doors were stuck so I just stood in the aisle for 20 minutes until we reached Manchester. The lining of my jacket where my pockets are has ripped for some reason. I went straight to bed when I got home, I was done.

Ebin has better photos.

Scarborough Soon, Hatred Now

I woke up slightly earlier than yesterday, about 10 minutes, I was well rested but not happy to go into work, a first for me. I went downstairs where my mother was preparing fish and chips with beans, after some slight wrangling, I agreed to eat some but then after she said that I’d look better if my clothes were ironed or something to that effect, I was upset and said I’d just have my Weetabix instead. She then said I was “so angry”, I tried to explain what she did was insult me/put me down, she defended herself and then I insulted her clothing to see how she liked it. In the end we were both two unhappy people.

Before I went to the office, I spoke to the Pakistani security guard for a short while, we discussed work, the new guy then walked passed, went to ahead. I stayed to talk to the security guard, told him about my problems with the new guy, how I’d given him food etc but he still acted in a disrespectful way. The Pakistani then in a hushed voice asked about my religion, then went on to insult the blacks he worked with, he shared food with them but they never did the same, I proposed that there were cultural differences. It was good to have this conversation with someone in the real world.

I got into the office and sat away from the new guy, it was me, him and Harry Potter woman in today, I talked crap about him to her on the office chat tool, she then criticised him too, even edited the rota to make sure he didn’t have an excuse to get out of doing some work.

The day went by well, we didn’t have too much work to do but it still took a while to get through because I was talking to my female co-worker a lot, she’s going on holiday soon and has been to almost 30 countries, it’s making me want to do some travelling because it’s so cheap. Cheaper than travelling around the UK anyway.

At the end of the day I learned that I fucked up, I refunded a few customers, told the customs about it but learned that I shouldn’t have done that so I cancelled the refund and passed it onto the right team to properly process. I did not contact the customers again about my mistake. This error was due to lack of training.


I woke up around 6:30pm, opting to remain in bed until the absolute latest I possibly could. I was still tired but it was a good sleep, I could hear the heavy rain pounding against my window.

On the way in, I played Pokemon GO but still have yet to catch all the new common ones that have been added to the game. I did get a shiny (party hat) Pikachu and Sentret though, evolved both.

At work, the sarcastic guy was off again and our manager has shifted his shifts a day forward so that just leaves me, the big guy and the new guy. The day wasn’t pleasant, we didn’t talk too much, the big guy was very engrossed in watched a show about Leeds United on th TV, felt like he was angry about something. Could be because I accused him of being lazy and asked that everyone focus on their emails first so that we can clear our work sooner. The workload was fine but where it gets dicey is the new guy.

He was highly talkative. Which isn’t a crime but I like to finish my work before chatting. Where he earned my wrath was early in the night when he felt he received too many calls, he “blind transferred” one, he didn’t know I saw this, it went to me. I didn’t confront him regarding this but did tell the big guy, he suggested I confront him.

His next offense is something he’s done before, he was talking to someone on webchat, asked me for help since he didn’t know what to do despite it being a pretty basic query, I told him, he then decided to tell the person to call in. The call went through to me and I told them exactly what I told the new guy. Salt was rubbed in my wounds when I saw that not only did the customer leave him positive feedback but he also received more positive feedback overall the night than me.

The big guy goes on a lot of breaks and both him and the new guy went offline shortly before the ends of their shifts so they wouldn’t receive any calls before leaving, I got one and left 8 minutes late.

I am a third of the way through my “Sapiens” book, there was an interesting chapter about order, it being imagined and to maintain it everyone must be part of the mass delusion believing it exists. I believe that we are a team at work and must look out for each other, many hands make light work but the new guy doesn’t believe this, possibly because he is from another culture, he doesn’t care if he increases someone else’s workload if it means reducing his own, he is self interested and possibly incapable of seeing the larger picture.

I have the new guy food on his first day, I gave him an energy drink today, even after the first of his sins during the night, I always try to help and he spits in my face like this, I don’t know where he’s coming from or why he thinks the way he does, it’s completely alien to me how someone could care so so little about their colleague despite working in a team so small. I hope the rumours of him being on a 6 month contract are true.

Other highlights include discussing The Dark Knight Rises with the big guy, thinking he knew about Bane Posting because he quoted something from the infamous opening scenes but then learned he genuinely thought it was a good film.

I am now less optimistic about going into work tomorrow. I am raging.

Pics are back

I woke up at 2am and then tried to go back to sleep around 10am so that I’d be well rested for when I went to work, this didn’t work out and I found myself wanting more sleep as I the sleep was severely broken.

when I got up, I ate a slice of lasagna, packed some low calorie snacks along with a 4-pack of Carabou energy drinks, they were on sale, £2.25 for 4 is a bargain price. While traveling, I noted a story about a stabbing in the city centre. It was not terrorism related so it garnered little attention.

I entered the office but not befor making some small talk with the security guard who I’m now friendly with, he called me “love” once but his interest in me waned once he clocked me.

As it was a Sunday, the night was quiet, I did my fair share of interactions and watched a bit of Amazon Prime on the TV, the big guy put on “All or Nothing”. It was just me, him and the taxidermy woman, the sarcastic guy called in sick. Conversation was fine throughout the night, we discussed topics such as AEW, her boyfriend, her anger issues (she was forced to attend an anger management course) and broader topics like people at work.

At 7am, a couple of familiar faces from the day team arrived, the Filipino woman and a new scarf wearing woman, she’s funny and confident, there was more conversation, it was strained at times but it followed at a decent rate. A couple of people asked me about my book “Sapiens” but I did a poor job of explaining it, each time I describe individual sections rather than just saying it an overview of the history of humanity, important events that led us to where we are now and how they relates to out present. I like the respect I get from being seen with s book, I’ll be doing more reading.

On the way home, I downloaded th Burger King app and used a voucher to buy 2 small fries and 2 double cheese burgers for £3.50. I ate everything even though I did not initially intend to, I don’t even like red meat.

Closer to home, I saw a plain white van with no branding unload meat into the local halal butchers. I doubt th meat is actually halal.

oh, what to do?

I woke up around 6am and my energy quickly drained again, the plan for today was to play some “Resident Evil 6” with my 6’2 friend. It was nice to chat again, the only person I’ve carried a conversation with during my entire 4 days away from work. It was fun though I was very tired, we played together for 3 hours, after which, he we were supposed to play some more later on but I took a quick nap but didn’t arise until 2:30am.

Some interesting feedback from him was that sometimes I say words in a way where it sounds as though I’ve never heard anyone else speak them before, I’ve only read them. I’m still pretty sure it was him who was mispronouncing words though.

That was the day, it seems I can’t really get going when I wake up too early or too late. I checked out some properties to rent and will call the relevant estate agents soon, I’ve also discovered one estate agent which should be avoided. I’ve left them a negative review on Google.

The only event on the horizon for me is meeting a guy in Scarborough next Friday, I had intended to go to the Magic the Gathering pre-release but this will be more emotionally satisfying.