Overcoming Addiction

It is true that over the last 2 weeks, I have been spending much of my free time playing video games again but this time, I think I truly have finished with every single video game worth playing, as of right now, I have nothing else lined up, I might actually be free, sure I might log into “Destiny 2” for the weekly challenges but apart from that, and a desire to pick up “Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla” again, I feel like I could do whatever I want and it doesn’t have anything to do with my accursed PlayStation.

I was watching “My Hero Academia” but dropped it around episode 80, it peaked at episode 49 and really wasn’t worth watching after that. I’ve also watched some more Marvel movies, almost seen them all now, the “Captain Marvel” one was pretty good, “Chang-Chi” was OK, and “Guardians of the Galaxy 2” was bad. The best piece of media I consumed was “Encanto”, I can’t recommend it highly enough, I listen to the soundtrack at work.

I’m still taking driving lessons and booked a test for June, my driving instructor says I’m nowhere near ready and he got a bit mad when I was struggling with bay parking, it was quite demoralising, I got a burger meal after the lesson.

Perhaps last update of the year

My Christmas was just another weekend, I spent it in my room finishing off “Doom Eternal”, I do not recommend the game. I did pop down though, I gave my mother a small Christmas gift, an ornamental owl. I had a bit of Xmas dinner. My sister visited during the holiday period too, she travels home from London very regularly.

At work, I was teased for not doing much work but that’s just because there wasn’t much to do. There was an opportunity for a joke but I messed it up, I wasn’t quick enough. Someone remarked that I’d just learned to use the phone, I should have said that “ha, yeah, I’ll put that on my CV”.

I visited my brother and his partner last night, along with the rest of the family, they were having an Xmas party, it was a nice event, it’s a shame I had to leave for work and I needed a lift so everyone else left at that point too.

Some decent little stories this time

There have been some difficult realisations since my last entry but I’ll start in chronological order. I spent Wednesday through Friday playing “Tales of Arise”, I got the platinum, didn’t see myself going for it at first but I thoroughly enjoyed the game and it wasn’t at all challenging. I began playing “Doom: Eternal” next, it’s quite difficult, even on the easy setting, it gives me some anxiety, I might not finish this one, the biggest disappointment is that I’m not able to play it in 120 frames per second mode, must be an issue with my TV.

My driving instructor cancelled my driving lesson this week. My dentist also cancelled my appointment, I’ve read online that people have been having this issue with them for over a month, there’s apparently only one dentist at the practice currently. The greatest cause of anxiety at the moment is learning how impossible it is to book a driving test, they are literally fully booked up, I can’t check dates beyond a year into the future, I’m not sure what to do or if it’s even worth continuing to take lessons.

A couple of months ago, at work, some Krispy Creme doughnuts were left in another office, I helped myself to 2 of the remaining 3 but word got out that there had been 6 or 7 and that if there was only 1 remaining, I must have had 6. I refuted this but it became a running gag. I thought it would be a good idea to buy some of those same doughnuts for my workmates as it’s around Xmas time, I woke up early and paid £14 for the privilege. When I got to work though, I found most people didn’t want any, I ended up having 5 of them myself, on the plus side, one guy kept telling visitors that I bought doughnuts and if they wanted one, though he’d use my name and no one would know who I was. It was a nice gesture, I feel bad that my treats didn’t go down well.

i had anotje house viewing, it’s basically 1 bedroom plus 1 box room. However, it’s the cheapest place on the market without some glaring fault but my father does get very angry whenever I suggest buying a house or buying a house that costs less than £150k. I just want to buy something comfortably in my means and work part time.

My mother organised a birthday party for my youngest sister. My brother and his white gf attended, she has always been very nice to my mother, humouring her even though she has little world experience but still my mother felt the need to attack my brother and his gf for not being legally married, she felt that she would be embarrassed in the local community because of paki reasons. My brothers gf even muttered when my mother left the room “I know she loves me but I think she has a problem with me not being Asian”. The superiority complex of Pakistanis is astounding, my mother has barely a penny to her name whereas the white gf will inherit £200k on her mother’s death and book royalties, yet my mother thinks she should be honoured to be marrying into our family. I came to understand the background of this a bit better later on, my aunt was showing my mother videos of Pakistanis with mansions in our ancestral village, she kept repeating the phrase “they’re so far ahead of us!”, It wasn’t clear who she meant by “they” and “us”. My mother said that videos like this upset her because their family “post everything”, this seems to make sense as I recall my mother talking about how she and her siblings lived in a big house during her childhood, it seems her father’s death forced the family to downsize due to no longer having an income.

My youngest sister refused to stay the night and got a.lift off her 30+ year old white bf home, I get the impression she’s not allowed to stay over, she also have dark/heavy bags under her eyes, my educated guess would be that she is being sexually trafficked by him in some way.

/britfee/ Radio will RETURN!

Wow, hard to believe 10 days have passed since my last entry, though in some ways, it’s not hard at all. Last week was just a standard week at work, put my head down, listened to some YouTube while working, got through it knowing that I would have the next week completely free. The only change at work is that I’m getting more emails pestering me about missing document, this may come to a head eventually but I have the “I’ve not been trained” excuse to pull first.

I am still looking for a house and it appears prices have risen again, two bedrooms seem to all be above £120k unless they’re in desperate need of renovation. I should try booking a viewing for one of the ones still in my price range when I next get the chance.

Since Saturday, I have spent most of my time playing “Tales of Arise”, it’s a JRPG, quite traditional in presentation, it’s hitting the right points though it’s really triggering my gaming disorder. I understand it’s quite a long game but I hope to be done with it quickly so I can make use of the remaining days I have off work, I also need to return the game for a refund once I’ve finished it, there’s a 30 day time limit on that.

My sleep pattern is a mess, I haven’t even been able to achieve the simplest of my goals for this week, a new episode of the podcast, the original aim was 2 episodes actually. There’s still time, a timetable of sorts:

  • Wednesday – Radio
  • Thursday – Driving Lesson
  • Friday – Radio again?
  • Saturday – Ebin?
  • Sunday – Sister/Radio again?

An ocean of stone

This week hasn’t been much different to the last, I am more comfortable at work, I realise I am being paid very well for doing little work and being incompetent on top of that. The scanner stopped working for a couple of nights and the guy who does my job during the day caught up on my scanning, I guess he might be alright. Despite this, I’ve still applied to a couple of other jobs.

No driving lesson this week but I’ve applied to take my theory exam, I am not too confident that I will pass. I’ve been taking practice exams while at work but during my free time at home I’ve been playing “Guardians of the Galaxy” for the PlayStation 5, I didn’t much care for the film but enjoy the banter between characters in the game, I am following a guide for collectables so should get the Platinum trophy, it’s not a very long game, I’ll be able to refocus my energy in a day or two.

In other entertainment news, I watched the new stand up show on Netflix by “Mo Amer” and the first two episodes of the new season of JoJo, Stone Ocean, I think, it’s off to a great start, much better than Golden Wind, it might become my favourite yet because I love prison settings.

The house hunt has slowed, I’ve spotted one for under 100k but it’s been on the market for months, there must be something wrong with it.

I went to ASDA once to buy some hummus, on the way there I saw several sixth form students, a lot of them white, bussed in from nearby towns, made my stomach turn, what really got me though was the sight of this one incel talking to an east asian about anime, it was a truly pathetic sight.

Less cat calling, more cats!

I had another driving lesson on Thursday, it was lesson 9, according to my instructor and we’re still on roundabouts, he seemed disappointed when he mentioned that, we did a few right turns on the roundabouts, that was new.

I had the Friday off work due to having booked a holiday, I used the time to sell a video game to CEX and return another to Argos, I made use of the Black Friday sales, returns policies and CEX to end up with the following games, Pokémon Diamond, Guardians of the Galaxy (Steelbook), Demon’s Souls and Doom. The last one dropped £1 in price after my purchase, all in all I believe I spent about £55 for the lot.

I visited my sister in London again on Saturday, it wasn’t as good as last time, it was very cold due to storm Arwen, the National Gallery was shut, the Tate Modern was full up and I struggled to find a bathroom to use. The highlight of the day was seeing the “Reclaim the Night” protesters marching down Oxford Road. On the way back, the coach driver said he smelled hot food and threatened to call the police until a young, educated black man stood up and declared that he had a bag of fried chicken but it was cold or as he said “cold ass chicken”, the driver wouldn’t let it go but the black man took control of the situation and said the within 3 seconds he would be throwing the chicken off the coach and that would end the matter, he did and it was over.

I spent most of Sunday sleeping, I didn’t even know it snowed until Monday morning. I started playing Demon’s Souls and was getting into it but after 6 hours I found myself soft locked, after dying multiple times in human form the game increased difficulty and threw an enemy in front of me that killed me in one hit, I’m not in the mood to start from the beginning again.

Back in at work on Monday, my dad drove me as usual and said that once I pass my driving test, he’ll move out. I don’t like my new coworker who is on the day shift, I think I do more work than him and he’s lazy.

I think December will be a good month

The amount of time since my last entry is ridiculous, it just goes to show how time kinda blurs on my current shift pattern. A week has gone by in the blink of an eye.

My sister visited from London and we played some Pokémon TCG, it was fun I think it’s certainly more enjoyable to play trading card games with people you know rather than randoms at game stores. Other family members visited too and it was a nice little weekend.

I am still house hunting, I’ve resigned myself to the white territories and I spotted a home for £90k, but it was sold before I could even view it. There’s another one in the same area that I will try to view but I’m unsure if I should risk placing an offer no higher than the asking price, perhaps 92k?

I’m somewhat unhappy at work again, a nice woman at work who talks to me now and again made a joke about a colleagues arse but it flew over my head, I felt bad. Another colleague made a joke about how good I was at my job, the email wasn’t sent to me directly, it was everyone in the department, she noted that she wasn’t “saying anything”, I think that means she’s been told off about this in the past.

I’ve booked most off my holidays away from work, now I just need to figure out how to spend that time.

Chillin’ in London

On the Saturday I watched Squid Game for the second time with my mother as she refused to watch it on her own despite enjoying it, I went to sleep around 3pm, I needed to make some attempt to sort my sleeping pattern out for tomorrow. I planned on meeting my friend, Shippy, in London and going to a YouTubers event.

I booked the MegaBus instead of my usual National Express due to it being cheaper, this really showed as the bus arrived almost an hour late but made up time on the way. When I arrived at the station in London, I decided to check how I was passing today so I went into the men’s bathroom and was told off by an African female cleaner who coughed and pointed to the women’s bathroom.

I met with Shippy shortly after, his skin is looking very good, he must be taking care of himself. We first decided to get something to eat over a Wingstop, he hates spices so this might have been a bad decision on my part but the trooper made it through his batch of Chicken in BBQ sauce. We then headed on over to the British museum, as usual you can’t see everything in one day so we rushed around a bit and caught the best stuff but couldn’t find the Geblin man.

After this we made for the event, I’ll keep the details hush hush as it may be problematic to say too much. I’ll say it was alright, there was a mix of people there, the YouTuber was friendly as were his sons though I suspect he was transohobic as I initially got the impression he wanted to rape me until I opened my mouth and he clocked me.

Monday was work again, on Tuesday I had a job interview for an Environmental Enforcement Officer, I decided not to do it as I’ve got a decent thing going at this workplace so shouldn’t make the switch unless it’s perfect, I’m also concerned about the DBS check with this one, they seem like the types of check, there was also mention if targets which I didn’t like.

I’m eating for two

I’ve gotten a reputation as a greedy guts at work, or someone with a sweet tooth, there were some Krispy Kreme doughnuts in another office that I dug into as I thought no one else was aware they were there. Due to this friendly teasing, I now readily chow down on any food that is lying around the office, today there was a black forest Gateau cake, I took an entire quarter of it and I’m saving another quarter for later. Yesterday I treated myself to a couple of muffins and a jam doughnut.

I’m currently playing a bit of WatchDogs Legion but it’s nothing special might just sell it on right now as I’ve already gotten 1 trophy as proof of having played it at all.

My dad told me to speak up while he was driving me to work, he said I sounded gay, the problem wasn’t that I was speaking too quietly, I had repeated myself almost 10 times, the problem was that he doesn’t understand English, as proven by me then shouting what I had been saying at him. He didn’t response, instead started humming and changing the tone of the conversation to something more friendly.

My driving lessons are going badly, still on roundabouts, got told I was worse than last time. I am either too close to the curb or the other lane, I forget to check the mirrors when setting off, I’m not at the right speed for turning and it’s not a smooth motion. I’m also often just over the speed limit or not close enough to it.

Back to daily updates

I’ve been reflecting over the last 2 weeks and come to the realisation that the reason I feel down is that I haven’t been communicating as of late, I’m unable to talk to the people physically around me, my waking hours make it difficult to speak to my friends and my chronic fatigue and gaming disorder also mean that I’m unable to update the blog as likely as I would want to. So from now up, during my 3am break at work, I will be updating my blog instead of playing Hearthstone.

Last weekend I rented “Sackboy: A Big Adventure” and finished the story, it was OK but not worth more than 2 days of my time. The release of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond is approaching and this is obviously exciting, in the meantime I plan on playing either DOOM Eternal or WatchDogs Legion.

I have put in some holiday requests but due to how essential I am for the company, my manager isn’t able to authorise then until he is sure a system has been put in place to cope with the workload in my absence. The plan is a couple days with Shippy, one with Ebin and a couple visits to my sister.

I have been conducting house viewings, there was one very small one that took my fancy, I put a bid in and it was accepted, they emailed more for more personal info but after telling my dad, I back out as he was so negative on the whole thing. It’s his fault for not buying a second house when the prices were lower. He’s now trying to make a deal with a friend of his who owns 5 houses.

Job hunting isn’t going well, I applied to one, got an interview but didn’t attend as I realised it was too far away, shame as I would certainly have gotten the gig, it sounded pretty good too. I’ve applied for another couple, less spectacular but I’d like a change.