A Bright New Future is on the Horizon

I haven’t updated recently as I’ve been applying to jobs, I will not work in another call centre during the day, no matter how “high class” it is, I’m moved beyond that, I deserve better and don’t think I’d be able to cope going back to the grind 5 days out if 7. I absolutely loved this job and it’s a shame it has come to to an end so soon and that I spent most of it working from home despite having the best relationships with co-workers that I’ve ever developed.

There is nothing notable going on with my free time, I’ve spent most of it grinding Hearthstone despite promising myself and other that I would spend it more constructively by reading or watching particular shows. One show I did watch was “The Serpent”, it was quite good, unlike other shows about serial killers, this one follows him and doesn’t shy away from glorifying him.

My diet is on hold again, my mother insisted on dropping food off for me, I didn’t even particularly want the lasagne, cupcakes or rice pudding but was obligated to consume them.

Will Work for Work

Once again, despite 10 days passing since my last entry, there have been few developments, I even struggle to remember what occurred. I struggle to even remember yesterday. Shortly after my last entry, my mother called and insisted brining me over some food, she made a pot of chicken and rice along with chutney, there were also some spring rolls thrown in, it was an absolute feast, it was delicious, I loved being able to eat this food again. I consumed it all within 2 days.

My shifts at work have been the same as last time, there are around 2 calls and emails to come through over a 6 hour period, it’s so dead, it makes sense that the nigh shift team is being “killed off”, I can’t complain about the alternative as it’s better than nothing but I feel like my colleagues and I should have bargained together for a better deal, better hours. The upside is that we’ll still get to work from home half the time, I’m looking forward to being back in the office, for a while, at least, it will be good to talk to people in person and I’ll be encouraged to take better care of myself. Having said that, I do still want a new job, I’ve applied to a few already and will continue to do so, I do not wish to continue working in a call centre.

I’ve dropped video games apart from Hearthstone, I’m still set on obtaining a PS5 before resuming by hobby.

My diet is not going well but I’ve bought some appetite suppressants, the brand is “BOOMBOD”, I’ll see how I get on, first impressions and not great. The more pressing issue is that I’ve been without an anti-androgen for over a week now, I’ve ordered more but it could be upto 2 months before it arrived. This has strained my finances and I may not be able to save my usual £250 which has already fallen from £500, which was the amount I was saving when I initially moved in.

My immediate aims are to find a new job and to lose weight.

The Park

It has been absolutely dead at work, on my last shift I had 1 hour worth of work and then just chilled out while watching TV for the other 11 hours. I’ve got another month of this, easy money until the big change.

I didn’t do much with my first day off, my clothes have now all arrived, I’ve tried most of them on, the skirts are fine, the jumper and shorts are fine too but most of the £5 tops from BooHoo are low quality and do not fit well, I’m massively disappointed but have learned a lesson, you get what you pay for, the quality of the more expensive clothing from the midrange retailers is far superior. Money is quite tight right now so I feel quite bad about wasting money like this, I need to arrange a return ASAP.

I hadn’t been to the bathroom for about a week so I took some laxatives, I’ve become quite concerned as I heard that if I make it a regular habit my body will forget how to poop, I feel as though this has already happened. While I was on the lavatory, I got a missed call, then a WhatsApp message from the taxidermy woman from work, turns out the call was from work, offerings overtime. I wasn’t interested but when the taxidermy woman offered to give take one day of overtime and leave the other for me, I accepted as it seemed the polite thing to do to accept something when offered even if I didn’t want it. This might be for the best as now I’ll make another £100 for little work and it’s not as though I would have spent my time in a more constructive way.

The best news since the last update is that I’ve finally been able to get a reading from my electricity meter, I received a refund and I’m due a further refund soon, my monthly payments have gone down to £28 a month.

I’ve also starter exercising, there’s a fairly large park nearby, I travelled there and then walked around for a while, there was a pond or small lake there, it’s fairly fancy given the reputation of the town.

Another image worth sharing is below, it was so cold outside that water had frozen.