Good Time, I forgot you existed

Sunday was Eid. I slept for a good portion and then my father fragged me downstairs to eat. I was uncomfortable with this as the kitchen is cold and I don’t like the feeling of that room. I agreed to sit for 5 mins until I finished my meal but the rest of my family were annoyed that my parents went to such lengths to get me to eat downstairs with them. I was eventually able to get away. My youngest sister returned home, she has not been murdered.

Monday was one of the best days I’ve had in a while, my cousin was trying to arrange a walk along the reservoir but everyone flakes and I just ended up walking in the park along with my cousin, my mother, my aunt and my youngest sister. It was warm and the place was packed, there were people everywhere, mostly Pakistanis, it felt like a very comfortable atmosphere, a real community feel. I think I might have even felt happy for the first time in a while, a real turn around since I was feeling down about being ugly earlier in the day.

Tuesday was a write off, I played Undertale. Nothing of note occurred.

Wednesday was another fine day, I went to ALDI and bought some potatoes, tuna, coleslaw and other bits. I then went shopping again with my cousin to grab some discounted food, my biggest get were several cans of Coke Energy. We then grabbed a takeaway, I opted for a wrap meal. We then went over to hers to eat, this would have been a bit more pleasant if hadn’t gobbled a couple of jacket potatoes earlier in the day. We had some pink tea too, it was very pleasant. My family were angry that I broke the social distancing/lockdown rules.

My copy of Final Fantasy 7 has arrived.

Resident Evil Queen

The last week has mostly been positive. I achieved the platinum trophy on Resident Evil 3, the final boss was challenging on this highest difficulty but I managed to pull it off, I feel quite proud of myself. That’s now two main series Resident Evil games that I have the platinum on. This will make my fandom of the series evident to others.

I also managed to sell off the game for a decent price but there was a £1 selling promotion on ebay a few days later so I could’ve made another £4 on the sale of Resident Evil 3 and DragonBall: Kakarot. I’ve attempted to purchase Final Fantasy 7 for a bargain price but the first seller was fraudulent so I’m still waiting for a refund from them, the second seller I bought a copy from appears to have used a slow shipping method.

Speaking of slow shipping methods, my estrogen will take 3-6 weeks to arrive.

It’s busy at work and because of that we’re finally drastically missing “service levels”, because of this, someone needs to be thrown under the bus and it looks like it’s going to be the WoW woman, she does very little work so it really is her fault. The Koreaboo has been absent from work for a few days, it may be that BT have cut his internet connection after I put my complaint in regarding him getting free internet due to being an ex-employee of theirs.

Someone posted my KIK details online and said I was looking for a bf, the response has been overwhelming, I’m not able to keep up with 30+ chats.

Things happened but not really

It has been a while since my last update, this is due to my work schedule and my sleep pattern, tiredness washes over my swiftly, it comes unexpectedly.

My 4 shifts at work were nothing out of the ordinary. My manager has returned, he asked how I was over chat and I responded by telling my that I complained about him but withdrew it. I asked if we were cool and he said we were. He then called me and we spoke, just 5 minutes before I was interrupted by a call from a customer. It was a bit awkward, his time off was due to a bereavement, a close relative, it was Caronavirus related. I learned that we just don’t have much in common and that’s why we’re not friendlier with each other, we’re just incompatible.

I was happy to learn the big guy appreciates me working here, he said it’s one of the reasons he stays. He is also quite frustrated here.

The taxidermy woman chatted to me about plants/birds and sent me some pictures, I appreciated the effort, I unfortunately didn’t have my to contribute.

The last two shifts were a bit of a pain as always, I hate the ones with the koreaboo and WoW woman, they’re so lazy, I went back to snitching on them regularly. I get the impression that the WoW woman has my manager over a barrel, he can’t say anything to her, as for the koreaboo, he won’t say anything to his best bud despite him hating him just as much as everyone else and gunning for his job instead of showing concern during his absence.

With my time off I got the platinum trophy on DragonBall: Kakarot, I feel it’s the definitive DragonBall game. I went to the post office to send off the Spyro game I sold and made a trip to ALDI, I mostly bought biscuits.

I’ve started playing Resident Evil 3, I’m already halfway through, I’ll try to get the platinum trophy. After that I’ll sell it on as usual and pick up a copy of Final Fantasy 7.

I spoke to my cousin a bit on WhatsApp, I recommended some shows to her and way alarmed to learn she listens to Jordan Peterson. We’re planning a get together in a weeks time.

There is one thing picking at my brain during what should be a relaxing period, it’s that the head of the call centre responded to the email I sent 2 weeks ago asking to withdraw my complaint, she says it’s too late as the investigation has proceeded too far, that she’s continuing to speak to my manager and will need to speak to me again also, I’m not sure how to take it. I also don’t know if my manager has actually forgiven me.

I am contemplating my future and how I can progress my job prospects.

He’s living in my head rent-free

Over the last 3 days I’ve mostly been playing “DragonBall Z: Kakarot”, I didn’t think much of it at first but I’m addicted now, there’s lot of repetitive tasks to do and things to keep an eye on. I’m also enjoying that it has voice acting, it’s nice reliving classic moments from the series, the cutscenes are actually quite lengthy so it feels like watching the show at times.

For a few moments, I went downstairs to eat with my family, my father has been pushing for this for a while, I hope it brought him some joy though I didn’t stay long or speak.

I made two trips outside, one to ALDI for general shopping and then again two days later into the town centre, I heard that Poundland was open but this was untrue, I just circled back home. I wanted to buy envelopes so I could buy/sell video games. I consoled myself with a New Orlando’s burger meal, my appetite is out of control. I didn’t even mind that the staff at the store weren’t wearing gloves or masks today.

The highlight of the last few days was the big guy from work contacting me on Whatsapp to ask when I was next on shift, it was nice to hear from a colleague outside of work.

The lowlight was learning that the Koeraboo at work has been told that he will be kept on as a permanent member of staff, clearly my manager pulled some strings for him. I did some research and it looks like the entire background he’s given is false, he’s currently a first year student at the Open University. Why would he be studying for a degree if he already had one in the field and was teaching the subject in South Korea?

The hours keep ticking over

My last shift was a happy one, the big guy is back, he’s the only one who doesn’t hate me or at least has to like me to some extent because of his shifts, there’s a lack of options, he has to get on with me. I asked for his phone number and let him know over Whatsapp that I put in a complaint about my manager, he said that he was aware as the head of the call centre called him during his time off.

I also told him about my new philosophy when it came to work, that no one cares about work rate, so lets just take it easy, so we did. The Koreaboo was doing overtime, I ignored him completely, big guy doesn’t normally have shifts with him, so he mostly ignored him too.

Nothing of note to report other than it annoyed me that a manager chose to call the Koreaboo when the day team arrived instead of myself or the big guy.

I slept for a lengthy period of time, I woke around 10pm and went back to sleep at 6am, I got the platinum trophy on Spyro 3 and started Tekken 7. I slept until around again even though I tried to wake up earlier, I played some more Tekken 7, I don’t expect to get the platinum trophy as a couple of trophies are too difficult for me.

I want to leave the house to get some food tomorrow.

A different crowd

I’ve started playing Spyro 3, it seemed like it would be easier to platinum than the two previous games but I hit a bit of a wall with one of the trophies. I’ll get back to it once I get time off work again, I’d like to finish up soon so I can start on either Tekken 7 or Dragonball Z: Kakarot.

I swapped some shifts around so worked two days with the taxidermy woman and this guy I never have shifts with normally he’s from the Caribbean, people disparage him because he’s quiet, they call him lazy and say he sleeps a lot but the truth is that at the very least he does more than the Koreaboo and WoW woman.

I chatted to both, turns out the Carribbean guy likes a bit of anime but stuff like Naruto and DragonBall Z. Had some jokes with him, he’s alright. I also brought up some stats when the taxidermy woman accused him of being lazy, I showed her that it was certain other people who were actually not pulling their weight. I think that upset her, we don’t communicate much anymore, I guess I looked like I was trying to poison her against her pals.

This was after I told her about my complaint, she was very understanding and asked me how my managers feelings made me feel, she convinced me that I should have sent the complainant because after all he did upset me.

The shift after this was with the taxidermy woman and the WoW woman who had agreed to overtime. After enlightening the taxidermy woman, no one did a single email for over an hour, we all broke eventually and did around the same amount.

I chatted with another woman I work with, she does day shifts, now that I’m done with American Horror Story, she suggested Money Heist, it’s alright, quite stylish.

I still haven’t heard back regarding my complaint.

The African has been fired. He’s been absent a few too many times and attacked me in the workplace chat recently.

I believe the taxidermy woman has already shared the details of my complaint with the WoW woman, it won’t be long until the Koreaboo finds out. Then it will go back to my manager, any details of the story he didn’t already know.