Focus on the positive, work on the negatives

Yeah, you guessed it, gaming addiction again, the only thing I have to say in my defence is that every week it’s a new game and in theory I should run out of games eventually, I’ve resorted to “Free 2 Play” ones recently. Since my last entry I have finished with Diablo 3, I can see how it would become addictive to some but I’ve got my fill and moved on, I wouldn’t recommend it due to its age and story quality.

I’ve slowed down on Destiny 2, I’ve realised the game has no point, it’s just an endless grind, I have no friends for big raids and I’m not prepared to pay for story content, I am tempted to get the “Complete 30 challenges” trophy before deleting it though. There’s also Dirt 5, just a normal racing game where the game brakes the car for you on easy mode, I might complete all the races as I like looking at the scenery. I’m currently playing “YuGiOh: Master Duel”, the game has changed massively over the years, it’s not very fun to be the opposing player but I can see some slight appeal in getting your own combos off.

There was mild scare over the weekend, my TV over 4 and a half years died, it just kept flickering on and off. I bought a new one the same day, 55 inch with HDR for only £379, it seems a waste to be playing a card game on it.

Life updates, I’ve got a house viewing tomorrow, it’s quite nice for a 2 bedroom, I’m still going to under offer though. I did a couple of day shifts at work, things are being changed up and there’s lots of stuff missing, I got some training and feel like I know my job now. I don’t like the guy who does my job on days though, he seems to not like me for some reason, probably transphobic, we were splitting the workload and he grabbed the lighter half.

My cousin had a birthday gathering where she invited some family, I learned my brother is into NFTs and similar, he and my other cousin are really into working out, I didn’t have much to contribute to those conversations. I told my auntie he was a poor mother after she was pitying herself again and patting herself on the back for “raising” her children, I was told off by my brothers partner, I don’t know why she would rather endear herself to my aunt rather than me, probably bought into the sob story. I waited a few minutes and said I was leaving, I got my mother and sister to go with me, I was tired anyway. My sister is definitely getting married, the guy is poorer than her and doesn’t come from an esteemed and civilized family, at this point I would rather see her with one of my /britfeel/ pals. My dad is surprisingly onboard with the whole thing, I don’t know why he’s so into it, going so far as to give the house another makeover, despite the fact that my mother and sister were debating whether to involve him in the wedding at all.

Still doing roundabouts during my weekly driving lessons.

13 Steps

Addiction is very serious and it’s not something that can just be overcome with the snap of a finger. Even when I don’t have any hot new games to play, I find comfort in older games I overlooked, for example, right now I’m on Diablo 3. I think I might be turning a corner though, I have identified the main problem is that I have nothing else to do but that’s partly down to working nights so being awake at night leaves me few options.

I’ve had 14 driving lessons now, I studied up on roundabouts and bay parking but still messed up when it came to performing the actions.

My father asked me to do things and I’ve started banging my head against more solid objects now, a wall and my phone, I think I spent an entire day with a concussion after one occasion.

I’ve not had my booster jab, I consider myself an anti-vaxxer now.

Overcoming Addiction

It is true that over the last 2 weeks, I have been spending much of my free time playing video games again but this time, I think I truly have finished with every single video game worth playing, as of right now, I have nothing else lined up, I might actually be free, sure I might log into “Destiny 2” for the weekly challenges but apart from that, and a desire to pick up “Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla” again, I feel like I could do whatever I want and it doesn’t have anything to do with my accursed PlayStation.

I was watching “My Hero Academia” but dropped it around episode 80, it peaked at episode 49 and really wasn’t worth watching after that. I’ve also watched some more Marvel movies, almost seen them all now, the “Captain Marvel” one was pretty good, “Chang-Chi” was OK, and “Guardians of the Galaxy 2” was bad. The best piece of media I consumed was “Encanto”, I can’t recommend it highly enough, I listen to the soundtrack at work.

I’m still taking driving lessons and booked a test for June, my driving instructor says I’m nowhere near ready and he got a bit mad when I was struggling with bay parking, it was quite demoralising, I got a burger meal after the lesson.