The Steel City

On Saturday I went to Sheffield to hang out with my friends, there was a train strike so this was no easy endeavour, I had to get to the bus station for 5:39am, when I got there I got the impression that a worker had allowed a fat drunk female tattooed white animal on the bus for free, she was already on the bus when it arrived at the station but I overheard their conversation, she couldn’t be bothered to find her bus pass, later on the bus ride, a black woman with a baby tried getting on, she didn’t have change for £10 and the driver said he didn’t have change either, I immediately got up and said why do some people have to pay and others don’t, I targeted my frustrations at the driver but then the chumba jumped in, I felt I held my own even though the creature was allegedly offering to pay for the black woman, she also supposedly worked for the bus company, either way, I took pictures on my phone and sent complaints away, they were clearly sweating bullets, I could see it in the mans face and the woman was repeating over and over after the conversation was over that this will be classed as racism.

There were two more coaches to grab, nothing of note occurred on these journeys, I got into Sheffield at 11am and met up with Shutin within about 30 minutes, I made him aware that I wanted to eat but he couldn’t help himself, he grabbed a couple of sausage rolls and a coffee from Cooplands, a competitor to Greggs. We hooked up with Shout within another 15 minutes or so and hunted for a place to eat, I suggested classics such as KFC and Five Guys (unlimited refills on soft drinks). They were very down on this as for some reason they didn’t want KFC in the morning, though Shutin still wanted a second breakfast so his reasoning is suspect, Shout was plain just racist about the situation, he insisted that we could only dine at a white owned cafe or Spoons, I went for Spoons, I got myself a curry with a drink, Shutin got the same and Shout had, I believe, an “English breakfast”, chips, eggs, meat. As for outfits, Shout was dressed all in black, lost a lot of weight, Shutin wore green trainers, blue jeans and a pink t-shirt.

Following our re-fulling, we went into town and perused the local CEX and then headed over to the Video Game Museum, when I realised that entry was £11, I changed my mind and we instead spent some time at a local free gallery where we educated ourselves on the history of Sheffield, turns out they made cutlery, the walls were filled with cabinets full of the stuff, knives, forks and a surprising amount of tea pots, metal ones. There was also an exhibition for the football art prize, much more enjoyable. Both Shutin and Shout spent about 15+ minutes each in the bathroom, it was massively infuriating and boring, they need to sort out their diets. At some point there was also a trip to B&M Bargains where we each bought a drink, canned and chilled Coke Zero for 49p was a welcome surprise, not as overpriced as I’d expect.

It was now time to start meeting the rest of our gang, Cam, a zoomer incel was to arrive around 2pm at the train station, when we arrived in the area, it wasn’t difficult to pick them out, dressed all in black, severely underweight, glasses, hair had a gingery tinge to it, the incel stare, yeah, this was our guy. In many ways, he was a discount Ebin. I could tell that he came from a wealthy background, his “Girl Boss” sweater was clearly not cheap. I politely asked if they were non binary along with other pertinent questions throughout the day but the only response I received was a look of disgust and crypto-racism, I’ve encountered people like this before in settings like this and I know there’s nothing you can do to win them over, some people are just racist, it didn’t stop me trying though because I am a warm and friendly person. He was shy in some ways, he would whisper everything, unable to raise their voice above a certain decibel count but no afraid to offend me with their racist attitude.

Next we waited for Tig and his Nazi looking mate who we last met in Manchester, they drove here, we had to wander a bit before we bumped into them, Tig was as warm, chilled out and attractive as ever, we even got to see his shiny bald head which looks great on him, it’s accented by his beard and smile. The Nazi was also looking very sharp in his Nazi ways, you really wouldn’t be able to tell he was a drugs user or a non-racist, it just goes to show how appearances can be deceptive. I think I would like to see him grow his hair out some, he would look less like a Nazi but I am curious.

Our first trip together now the Avengers had assembled was the Spoons we went to earlier where everyone could get an alcoholic drink, I did push for Five Guys or Taco Bell again because I felt that we would be better served getting unlimited soft drink refills and having somewhere to sit down but I was outvoted. At Spoons, I got the unlimited hot drinks for £1.25, I mostly got milk, 5 refills, I think I got my moneys worth. The others all got booze, it’s all the same to me. We then went off to find another boozer, Shout claimed to know the place like the back of his paw, so we went to an Australian themed place with televisions so we could watch some football and later the big boxing bout. It was empty, a real ghost town, we sat down and this time I got a Dark Fruits and drunk with everyone else, Nazi and Tig also treated us to some WKD, I think Nazi might be my bf now, I’m not sure. We chilled for a while, chatting, commenting on passers by, the usual, but Shutin had to leave for a moment to shower, Cam was to sleep on his floor so had to check out the hotel too, Tig & Nazi also left to check into their hotel, they were to arrive back in about an hour, until then, me and Shout got speak to each other without needing to impress the others, he was more tender now and I believe having sex with him is a possibility. A couple of women sat at our table for a bit, prostitutes most likely, we made it clear we were not interested and they eventually fucked off. Shutin and Cam arrived back but Tig and Nazi were refused entry by the bouncers because the Nazi absolutely had to do drugs at this moment in time, couldn’t wait or do it once he was in, had to do it at that moment in time, we left to join them and the guy was clearly zonked, in another dimension. I was getting ready to leave to catch my coach back at 8pm, the others went to grab some tinnies from a local Pakistani owned shop and drink in the park like the hobos they’d become.

The trip back was fine, I put in another complaint though as I suspect someone had hot food on the coach and I also had to jump the turnstile to use the bathroom at the station.

Home life has been the same as usual for me but my mother is probably a bit down since it’s so quiet now with just the two of us, I watched Ms Marvel with her, hopefully my repeated viewings of the series are enough to confirm a second season for the first Pakistani Marvel superhero.

I’m currently playing “Trials of Mana”, it’s OK, clearly very old but I like traditional JRPGs.

Time Travel?

i suspect I may be a time traveller, each time I dash slightly forwards in time which is why the blog goes suck lengths without updates.

since my last entry, I have completed three Assassin’s Creed games, Unity, Rogue and Black Flag. All are a bit dated now so I wouldn’t recommend any but they’re all somewhat enjoyable.

I will aim for an proper entry soon but just some cliff notes of recent events, a colleague at work got an ice cream for everyone at work except me, the following day another colleague got me an ice cream to make up for it. My father has gone on holiday to Pakistan, before he went we had a dispute and I broke my television, this make gaming difficult and I feel annoyed that I wasted £379.00 on a new set just for it to break in under a year.

I’m mulling over legal action against an insurance company and I’m house hunting again, the last one I viewed was a total waste of time, it was up for £130k but needed everything doing, it was a complete tip. I’m willing to spend more than before but it seems prices have risen again.