God Smiles, I squander

Today was another eventful one, should have been special but unfortunately it stopped at simply “eventful”, though that may be generous. I woke up once I felt well rested, I don’t have anywhere to be anymore, so it doesn’t matter, the only motivation I have to get out of bed is the call of nature. Once firmly awake, I overrate and played Final Fantasy X, caught the new episode of Tonegawa, Who is America and Last Week Tonight. All disappointing.

It wasn’t until 5pm that I started preparing to attend the concert. I ate a proper meal (jacket potato instead of the crisps I had stuffed earlier in the day), showered and put on clean clothes. Me and my sister then set of for the train station, we arrived in good time, say around 40 minutes before the support act got on stage. There was lengthy queueing and I told a security staff member that I’d complain about him, he refused to give me his name. For some reason, it was the support my sister wanted to see, Killswitch Engage. I thought they were just loud and I didn’t know the songs so couldn’t make out the lyrics.

During the interval between the supporting act and the main act, my sister and I went out into the area outside the main venue (where the seats/stage etc actually are) to buy merch. My sister wanted two t-shirts of Killswitch engage, one for her and another for a male friend. The area was crowded and getting to the front of a merch stand took time. The first one was sold out of the shirt she wanted. The second one only had one so she got it and another design. One medium, one large, the large was too big, in my opinion, so I got her to swap it for a medium. I did the talking since she was uncomfortable with it. She tells me her male friend is taller than me but I’m sure a large is really only for overweight people.

In a strange and beautiful twist of fate, I encountered the quirky guy at the arena. He would have been on a late shift so missed the supporting act. I did expect or rather hope to run into him today since I’m aware Iron Maiden are his favourite band. I was initially shocked but also elated, it never really sunk in so I couldn’t appreciate and take full advantage of this blessing from the gods. We talked a little but it was too loud to have a real conversation. He got a written warning at work over the racism thing, I said that was nothing. He told me he applied for the job he was talking about before I left. It really was too loud to have a real discussion, he also brought up how I’m not working for a whole month but all I got out was that “they weren’t letting me have holidays”.

He told me things about the show like “the first song is about planes” and that the staging is theatrical. Told me where he sat when he watched them last year (up top, couldn’t see “Eddy”, at first I thought it was a member of the band and then remembered he’d once told me that it was the mascot). I think that’s quite literally all that was said, just shows how precious my exchanges with him are, especially the ones today since they were the last. I’ll also mention he was initially surprised to see me since I have stated that I don’t care for music, I said I was here for Wickerman and then he let me know that there wouldn’t be a physical one on stage this year.

His gf was there but didn’t say anything. He made an attempt to bring her into the conversation but he mouth remained firmly sealed. She’s Scandinavian, he’s just returned from a trip to her homeland, mentioned how retail assistants get paid £11.00 there. I just pointed out he didn’t speak the language. He asked me who I was attending with, I said it was my sister. He didn’t ask any follow-up questions to that but I tried to clarify why I brought her but it was probably just confusing. Recalled the Cider story from work too and how there were balloons on my leaving day.

The concert itself was not too different to my other experience. People around the venue were raising their hands and singing along but that was beyond me, I couldn’t even really sway from side to side or rock my head, I remained motionless. Though the guys in front of me were the same, and I could pick out others, including the quirky guys gf. Quirky guy was also less animated that I would have expected, I worry that I killed his buzz. Quirky guy and his gf were closer to the stage and they were in my line of sight as I had to turn my head to see said stage. However, what I found strange was that quirky guys gf turned her head in my direction a few times, I feel see was put off by me. Repulsed even. There were also curious instances where quirky guy turned his head then she did, just what was she looking at?

One observation about her, something I noticed when leaving. Said it before and I’ll say it again, I think she may be trans, it’ll explain why the quirky guy was so friendly with the gender neutral guy at work. The gf is taller than him (quirky guy is 5’10), plus big hands and it’ll explain why she didn’t talk or sing along. She genuinely did not utter a single word.

We walked out of the venue together too. Talked just a little more but priority was getting out of the arena. Just provided my thoughts, said the music was too loud so I couldn’t make out the words and that I preferred Taylor Swift, may have said that twice. I thought the stage stuff was interesting then corrected myself, it was entertaining. It was “OK”. To carry the conversation I asked how they were last year but I didn’t hear his reply clearly enough.There was one funny moment, he asked “was it scary?” in jokey way and I replied “THAT was scary”, referencing how he just appeared out of nowhere, while leaving the arena, I had lost sight of him and thought he was further ahead.

We were all headed to the train station. He asked which one I was getting, it was leaving in 5 minutes. I was in a rush to catch it so left him unceremoniously, it may even have been rude, could have soared a minute or two to say goodbye properly but it was just “see ya”. He was left waiting 18 minutes for his, checking the time table now, I could have waited another 20 minutes for a later train and spent more time with him. This is something I deeply regret, I enjoy my time with him and I just threw away 20 more minutes with him, that’s an opportunity I’ll never have again. Admittedly, conversation was difficult, start and stop, 20 minutes may have been too long a period, one that ends up being awkward. Still, this could have been a special memory, instead, I’m not even sure what it is. Perhaps a better final series of interactions between us than the goodbye at work. Disappointed that this could have been more, better, meaningful, closure providing. A real goodbye.

Oh, just realised, probably doesn’t count but I guess we finally did something social together outside of work.

(my sister said she enjoyed herself)

A real friend

I woke at 6:30am, early enough to shower and throw on some mostly clean clothes. I wasn’t particularly  nervous until I reached the bus station. The coach hadn’t arrived at the advertised time and I could only spot two other people intending on board, a father and son. My anxiety was short lived as the coach arrived less than 10 minutes late.

At the next coach stop only another three boarded but at the last we got 19. There were still few enough people that no one sat next to me. It was also pleasant to find there was no/minimal chatter. During the trip I listened to Iron Maiden and the Hairspray soundtrack. I also kept in contact with the /britfeel/ lad I was meeting over text messaging.

We arranged to meet “at the statue”, not the main one but next to the east of it. I found it fairly quickly and began to lean agaibag a barrier while texting my friend, querying where he was. I saw chinks in hordes taking pictures of themselves with the statue and was alarmed when I saw a paki darting towards me, I worried that he may be the person I was meeting despite him confirming his race as white. To my relief he turned away. I received a text to say that my contact could see me and soon after a clearly white looking male approached me, I met him half way.

I queried if he was normie because he didn’t initially strike me as my sort of person, sure, he was roughly my height by he was clearly muscular and not afraid of showing off his guns, there was a decent jaw, nice smile, he was well spoken too and no glasses. I learned what boards he posted on, /pol/ was among them but he didn’t present himself as right wing or a white supremacist, he actually noted that it was surprising how I just casually said “paki”. We talked fairly comfortably, seemed like normal stuff that friends would talk about, it night even class as banter. I was relaxed enough around him to say almost anything even if he was on his guard.

We wondered around the stadium for a while, just takkita and looking for somewhere to eat. We failed. When we eventually entered the stadium, around an hour before kick-off, I stared the abnormie guessing game again, I resorted to calling him a nonce as that was the only option remaining. His taste in anime was poor and I was unsure how to judge his attendance to a K-pop idol show. While he denied it, I had got him to reveal his identity, he was “Andrew”, a poster who has had his pics posted before and has famously met up with a 16 year old transgender poster (among others). I was taken aback, I thought this was special, not just another notch on his belt. We still got on after that revelation though the chatter died down once the game begun. I bought us both cups of cider. I didn’t finish mine as I got a decent buzz going on with 80%. He then revealed that he wasn’t entirely white, he had over 50% Irish and Scottish blood. It would explain why he is accepting of me and I don’t judge him for it, I’m glad he made me aware.

The game itself wasn’t too exciting, very one sided.

I was worried about catching my coach home so the last half an hour together was squandered. I called him my best friend, which he is, though he’s admitted to having friends IRL, not happy about that.

Travelling home now.

Repeat (no rinse)

Just played vidya and watched Netflix/anime again. The most productive part of the day was epilating my legs and plucking my eyebrows.

Got my trip to Wembley tomorrow but haven’t thought too much about it since it’ll just cause me unnecessary stress. As with my failed attempt back in February, I won’t be taking a bag and will place my tickets in my pocket. The only additional item I’ll take is my mobile phone and a pair of headphone. I’ll decide what to wear tomorrow.

Didn’t shower, there was no need to.

This will not repeat for the rest of the month

I didn’t leave the house today, just played Final Fantasy and watched Orange is the New Black. I overate and have almost finished the show. Final Fantasy will take a significant amount of time if I’m going to get the Platinum

Bought another football ticket so I’ll have plans two weeks from now.

I should place my order for E, it’s already late.

The pain of leaving my workplace seems to have vanished but that may just be because I avoid thinking about it or anything else, hence why I haven’t got much accomplished.

The void month: day 1

I’ve found a trick that does the job for the most part. I just shut my mind off and don’t think, that way it won’t wonder to memories or any general thoughts about my now former workplace. It’s not perfect, since it also prevents me from thinking about the important stuff I need to deal with, stuff completely unrelated to my sadness. I need to order more E ASAP.

The trick is not foolproof, in the morning my mother asked me if I was going to work, I told her I’d left, then she bombarded me with follow-up questions. When telling her about my last day, I started tearing up and couldn’t finish. Mum picked up on this and stopped the line of enquiry. After this, I secluded myself in my bedroom and watched ‘Orange is the New Black’, it was a safe space where no dangerous thoughts entered my mind.

I did venture out twice, once for Coke Zero (and deodorant), the other time it was to print my coach ticket for the football match at Wembley Stadium on Sunday. Quite need a friend right now so hoping I don’t get stood up by my “Internet friend”. During the trip for deodorant, I was too anxious to stand around checking the shelves for the most suitable one, so I just walked past and grabbed a pink ‘Sure’ bottle, it came to £2.50, I hope it’s good since I know ASDA sell some bottles for less than £1.00.

My thoughts warped later in the day. I started thinking about how my life at my new job could be wonderful but also how it could link up to my old one, perhaps there would be an event which causes me to encounter my old workmates again. The veering into unhealthy territory continued when I found Instagram and twitter profiles of people from work, they had pics/videos of them with other people from work, sometimes taken at work, it hit me, not hard, since the social media pages I found belong to various enemies. None of this got me down though, it’s just unhealthy behaviour.

One though I forgot to post about earlier is that a short while ago there was a “bring your kids to work” type event where there were balloons shaped as letters. After the event, there was cleanup, some balloons disappeared and others were strung to the desks of managers (e.g if someones name began with A they got the balloon shaped like a letter A). Despite my leaving, the balloon with my first initial was given to some new phone monkey, she’s part of the gay clique so gets the same privileges as Stacy. This was disappointing but yesterday was still ultimately a wonderful day and now memory.

Played a little Final Fantasy.

Maybe next week I’ll start doing something more productive.

Silent Goodbye (Thanks for letting me be part of your world)

Today was the last day at my job. I wore the company branded hoodie I received from work as a reward last year. I wore it yesterday too but it was the perfect item of clothing to wear for my final day, it was a symbol that I was good at my job and I was proud of it. My manager hit me with smiles and general positivity throughout the day, she’s amazing and makes me feel that I’m good as I am and not defective.

After I came back from lunch I discovered that my manager had decorated my desk with balloons and tinsel. Co-workers giggled, I felt special, there was also a card, which I didn’t open until i got home and gifts – 6 bottles of lager (along with a note asking me not to drink at work), there were also tonnes of sweets. It was funny present and it means a lot to me just because I know who it’s from. Normally there would be a whip-round and the person leaving would get a grander gift but I didn’t expect that, no one really knows or cares for me. A few people asked what the decorations were about and I explained, put a brave face on it but by this point I was breaking internally.

Tonight we were open until 9pm but only the guy sitting next to me and the chatty guy agreed to overtime. It was enough, I chatted to the guy next to me all day and even when we walked out of the building together. The chatty guy popped over for a conversation too, I got to say how I felt.

Before my manager left she gave me a hug, I hugged her hard, I wanted to show I cared, at this point I was fighting back the tears, my voice broke, my eyes were glistening. My manager joked before leaving. I couldn’t look back at her and gave backwards waves as she was shouting her goodbyes. It wasn’t until I started writing up my feelings at home that the tears finally rolled down my cheeks.

The last half an hour was spent constructing my leaving email but I think I got distracted before sending it off. Now no one at the call centre will understand how much I truly appreciated them. But at least the guy sitting next to me got to take my widescreen monitor. Placed this little pig plushy I claimed onto the quirky guys desk. Really eating me that I may not have sent off that email. Normally I’d have been able to login at home but I got too eager and tried logging in on my mobile, entered the wrong password and got locked out. In the email I thanked everyone, even those who had just spoken to me once, for taking the time to do so and sometimes it was the highlight of my day.

Earlier in the day my manager asked me what race I was but that’s not important now. She could never offend or upset me.

The feelings I’m left with are awful. On one hand I don’t want to forget this time in my life and these people where and who made me happy but on the other, thinking about it just makes me upset now. I need to forget but it seems wrong to delete these precious thoughts. I want to numb the pain, I’ve thought about self-harm again but that’s not a long term solution. I just want to be happy and for a while in my life, I actually was, I just didn’t know how happy I was until it was too late. Clinging to those memories, I don’t know if there’s any reward in that or if it will just bring constant misery, being reminded of what I had and the people I’ll never see again. If I had a Facebook account, I’d have been able to add a few more “real” people and that’d be cool. I’d always have a bit of them with me and our link wouldn’t be completely severed.

I had no appetite at home. I ate nothing. I opened the card and apart from my manager it was just filled with generic “good lucks” and some people didn’t even bother signing it at all (Stacy), also missing quirky guy since he is on holiday. It’s still mightily precious to me. It’s a record of that time and those people, even if I wasn’t much to them. Funnily enough, it was a former enemy who cared enough to form a joke. Half the card was empty.

My feelings for the quirky guy have dulled. Maybe this pain will fade as quickly. There comes a point when I can no longer mentally simulate scenarios, that’s when it’s over.

The only thing I can think of to dull the pain is knowing they probably don’t care much for me, I don’t mean a fraction as much to them as they do to me, they’ll probably forget about me almost instantly and continue being happy. If they’re happy, I can be happy. My manager called me one of her favourites but she has banter with most people. Yeah, they’re happy, they don’t need to know how important they were to me, that’ll just drag them down. I should be happy knowing that. The paradise I was a part of still exists, I’m just not part of it, if I’m upset, it’s just self-pity and I should be able to deal with that, that’s nothing new, I know I suck and that my environment is depressing and devoid of positivity, that’s solely my burden. Actually, that doesn’t even matter. I’m happy just knowing they’re happy and that the good times are rolling on without me but so what? I was never self-interested, it’s always been about others with me.

Thanks for letting me be part of your world.

I don’t want to go

Another wonderful day in the greatest workplace in the world. The guy sitting next to me chatted with me constantly throughout the day and film and television shows he’s seen and is currently watching. Got two great recs off him “Who is America” and “Nathan for You”, watched the first episode of both once I got home and I could see merit in each show. Will also check out “The Eric Andre Show” at some point. The guy genuinely made me made laugh, his style of humour is different to the quirky guy. While I deeply appreciate all human interaction, he perhaps did talk a bit too much, I was trying to get on with the work I was assigned.

My manager was great, even moreso than usual. We were team of the month so she got us doughnuts, cakes, apple juice, energy drinks and all sorts of other treats. I scoffed 4 doughnuts and 2 apple juices, plus a cupcake. I finally won the “power hour” by hitting 20 emails in an hour, though I was helped by some “heavy hitters” being absent. Got a box of “Heroes” chocolates. Midway through the day we were given the choice between cans of Magners Cider and Carona beer. I chose Cider and made the mistake of opening one of my two cans at my desk, also took a swig before my manager asked if she heard a can open. She rushed over to me and pulled my can while saying “are you trying to get fired a day before you leave?”. The rest of the team laughed, I also had to hold back laughter before swallowing. I tried to explain “why would you give out drinks during the middle of the day?”. Seems other members of the call centre staff heard about this too, not sure how. My manager told the contact centre head, I saw her doing the drinking motion and the call centre heads head swiftly turned in my direction. Think this normally would have been a disciplinary. Throughout the day my manager was cool, make it a great working environment and I was happy whenever she spoke to me. She’s always smiling and so upbeat.

Hate that I’m leaving this place, I’m not ready, I don’t want to start a new job, I like it here, the work is manageable for me and I enjoy the people I’m around. I’m even mildly respected due to being a relatively senior agent. On the other hand, there’s no advancement to fill my other desire of spiritual fulfilment and mental stimulation. I’m also aware that I often go through periods of hating those I’m around. More money is probably a good thing too. Ultimately though I am going to miss the environment and relationships I’ve built, they’re just going to be gone and for the next month I’m going to have nothing. After which I’ll be building from the ground again, the new environment will not be anywhere near as “fun” and “chill” as this one.

I am exhausted too. I needed time off and this was the only way to get it. To make the most of the situation I’m in, I’ll need to take up exercise, learn to cook, make friends and various other life skills so I can develop enough as person that I can mold my new workplace environment to my liking.

Misplaced Guilt

I arrived late to work due to train delays, it was just 3 minutes but I hope it didn’t look intentional. In addition to there being no quirky guy, the guy who sits next to me wasn’t in today either. A quiet day where my vocal chords rested and shook into action again today. My manager assigned me relatively easy emails so I blazed through them and when I completed my target, I asked for more and went on to solve more emails than the rest of the team and go way above target again. I’d like to think my manager appreciates me, I’m not the exact word to use, I just want her to respect my work ethic and the fact that I’m not slacking despite leaving.

Just before I chose to go on lunch, around 12:30, that’s when others seemingly half the rest of the team disappeared on theirs, the Polish female approached me. She confidently took a seat next to me and began asking a questions. I was taken aback but before she could finish I said that I wasn’t comfortable speaking to her, without making eye contact. She tried to defend herself by saying that “he” had put words in her mouth but again, before she could finish, I interrupted by repeating my previous statement and suggesting she could tell our manager. She said she wouldn’t do that and left.

I feel immensely guilty now about how rude I was. It’s easy to see her as a victim when she came across as weak and pleasant in that exchange. Also, I haven’t seen the quirky guy in over a week so my pity for him is fading. I also appreciated that she spoke to me, I appreciate it when anyone does that. Bit curious about what she wanted and why she asked me specifically. Guess, she’s not racist like the quirky guy suggested. Dangerous thinking but maybe quirky guy is the villain in all this, he has said some racially insensitive things and I’ve been antagonistic towards him often over the last year. We’re not even really friends. I’d make my final days easier by making peace. I do feel compelled to apologise. Partially because she seems to think the reason I’m angry is because of the comments about gay people – and therefore probably thinks I’m gay.

My manager suggested I do overtime on Wednesday since there’s pizza on offer.

At home I was devoid of energy, just watched Kaiji in the background and ate rice.

At least I’m not feeling down

Standard day away from work. I overate, played vidya (FF X, enjoying but thinking about the post-game is stressing me a little), watching Kaiji and went for a laser session.

There was a sudden heavy downpour of rain that I had to brave in order to get to the train station in time for my laser session, thankfully it subsided quickly, on the train I coincidently encountered my uncle who had bought some DVDs off eBay and was going to collect them in person to avoid paying postage. The conversation didn’t go well, I didn’t put in much effort as I was caught off guard and didn’t want to be asked what my plans were. The laser session was painful, near unbearable at times. The technician gave me some cream to help with my burn.

On the way back I bought an Arizonas burger meal.

My Manchester City shirt arrived from AliExpress, it looks great but I haven’t worn it just yet.

The only member of my family to communicate with me at home was my mother, I wasn’t in the mood to converse with her so the interactions were cut short.